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A million ways to connect through diving


An article based on an interview I made with a diving instructor with ADHD. 
The article was made for the online magazine "Ocean Pulse".

English articles

Writing science and environment news headlines and descriptions, writing flash news tickers and working with WordPress to implement the articles to the website.  

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Rosalind Franklin

An article made for an English teaching school.
The article was used to teach high school students the English language through an educational interesting story.

The Badjao tribe - 
natural-born freedivers

An article made for an English teaching school. 
The article was used to teach high school students the English language through an educational interesting story.

A blog post from the traveling blog I wrote in 2018


Children's poem book

A book of humorist poems made for preschool children.

The poems are rhymes based on my traveling stories, fitted for children.


The unconventional chiropractor

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