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  • Writer's pictureLeeor

let's get started

Updated: Dec 29, 2017

It's always hard to start something, especially when you are not sure exactly where it goes. I was planning to write a book, but I came to the realization that a blog might be the best way for me to do it.

I was born in Israel, in the late 80’s. the first summer baby to my happy parents, followed 2 years later by my sister, and 7 years later by my brother. we were a pretty normal loving family. There was apparent reason for me to one day pack my entire life into a suitcase and go wondering the world. I had no need to escape anything, no reason to run. Yet when I was 20 I decided, and it wasn’t an immediate decision, but one that came with time, to minimize everything I had, throw it all into a backpack, that I couldn’t quite even lift then, and leave everything I knew behind. Something in me needed to fly out.

Almost 10 years later, still on the road, after much processing of who I am, what I am and what is the meaning, I got to realize that the reason I left had to do with many things in my childhood that had affected me. while traveling in so far 37 countries, I decided that all I see and experience is quite unique, and that many people do not get to experience, therefore I need to write a book about it. being a bookworm, I got quite inspired from 2 of my favorite books, and decided the storyline would be represented by 5 different characters. All are tattooed on my body and represent a different aspects in my life. Each of them will live a part of me in my journey. and though time was never an issue for me, I have come to the understanding that writing a book isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Blogs on the other hand fit my style more, as I’m not good in fitting into a frame, finding a beginning and an ending, finding a combining story thread, or dividing into chapters. My last 10 years have been so out of the box that I can not fit into any boundaries. My writing is the same.

This blog will consist some traveling stories, some from the past, and some as I experience them. No chronological order per say, but I’ll try to make sense with the timeline. this blog will also consist of the thing that I realize was my meaning in this search of far away lands and different experiences- humans. A most curious and interesting animal, one that I have a strong love- hate relationship with, but as I am a part of this thing called humanity, I realized that more than everything I’m driven to know who we are, what we are and what is our meaning. Listening, talking, asking the most forward questions has taught me many things about humans, and I would like to share it with you. I might be right sometimes, I might be wrong sometimes, and I’m always open to hear more interpretations and different opinions.

So here it goes- The Thesis on Humanity

*all pictures in this blog were taken by me.

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דר' יורם רסלר
דר' יורם רסלר
Jan 03, 2018

Hi Leeor, I probably got the touch of it. It simply works. Waiting for the next chapter.


דר' יורם רסלר
דר' יורם רסלר
Jan 01, 2018

Great introduction. Waiting for the followup. Happy and interesting New Year.


Ofer Doron
Ofer Doron
Jan 01, 2018

leeori, as Dory says: "just keep swiming, just keep swimimg"..... allow me to say: "just keep writing, just keep writing" your readres are waiting. happy 2018


Dec 31, 2017

wonderful !! awaiting to hear of your thoughts and ongoing adventures !


Dec 19, 2017

Very interesting. Can't wait to

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